Places of Worship
Church of Scotland (Parish Church)
Daviot - Sunday Service 12.00 noon
Dunlichity - Sunday Service 10.45am (1st Sunday in month)
Daviot Parish Church can be found adjacent to the A9 Perth-Inverness trunk road and is accessed from the Daviot (West) turn off which is located approximately 100 metres north of the church as viewed from the A9.
Dunlichity Church is located approximately one and a quarter miles off the B561 at Farr where there is a signpost marked "Dunlichity". After the hump-backed Tordarroch Bridge turn left at the "T" junction and carry on for around half a mile. The church is located on the right hand side at the next road junction.
Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland
Farr - Sabbath Services 12 noon
Sabbath Evening Services (as announced).
The Free Presbyterian Church is located approximately 200 metres off the B561 at Farr where there is a signpost marked "Dunlichity". The church is located on the left hand side.
Free Church of Scotland
Farr - Sunday Services 12.00 noon (currently at Greyfriars, Balloan Road, Inverness) and 6.00pm (at Errogie, Stratherrick); Thursday 7.30pm (at Greyfriars, Balloan Road, Inverness); Sunday School is held during the morning service at Farr.
The Free Church of Scotland is located immediately on the left at the signpost marking the entry to the community of Farr, on the B561 heading south west towards Fort Augustus.
Episcopal Church
Croachy - Sunday Service 11.00am Holy Communion, Wednesday 10.30am (as announced), Rev John Evans
St. Paul's Episcopal Church is located in the hamlet of Croachy in Upper Strathnairn. Follow the B561 heading southwest in the direction of Fort Augustus. Croachy is located around a quarter of a mile past the "Grouse and Trout" hotel. The church is by the roadside on the left hand side.